DALICC poster presented at Semantics 2017 conference in Amsterdam

On September 12, 2017 DALICC presented a poster atn the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems – Semantics 2017 – in Amsterdam, giving insights into the extended DALICC rights expression language (REL).

Tassilo Pellegrini presenting DALICC at Semantics 2017 in Amsterdam

DALICC follows a deontic approach to express machine-readable permissions, prohibitions and duties defined in a license. DALICC utilizes the ODRL 2.0 ontology in combination  with CCRel. Additionally DALICC utilizes an extended set of properties that are necessary to capture the full semantic spectrum of legal expressions defined in a license text. By doing so DALICC allows to represent property rights policies in a legally valid and machine-processable way.

The DALICC vocabulary extensions evolved from an in depth analysis of 15 standard licenses (including CC, APACHE, BSD, GPL MIT) under the supervision of legal experts. 

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